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What are PCLL Conversion Model Exam Answers / Past Papers?

PCLL Conversion Model Exam Answers (Past Paper Answers) are a helpful addition to your PCLL Conversion Notes if you want to gain a more in-depth understanding of the subject. You can test your knowledge under simulated exam conditions, and check your answers afterwards with the model solutions provided. Our PCLL Conversion Model Exam Answers (Past Paper Answers) include practice questions based on various previous year's PCLL Examination question, designed to cover every area of the subject. Our Model Exam Answers / Past Paper Answers are actual, full answers to the exam questions, and not just the examiner's commentary!

All PCLL Conversion Model Exam Answers (Past Paper Answers) have been written by qualified experts and follow our unique method designed to deliver outstanding results. Remember to read our study tips for the most effective way of using our notes!

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Helping students pass PCLL Conversion Examinations since 2010
Subject Free Samples Purchase
Hong Kong Legal System
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
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- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 2 past paper questions and at least 2 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Constitutional Law
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 2 past paper questions and at least 2 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Commercial Law
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 3 past paper questions and at least 3 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Land Law
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 3 past paper questions and at least 3 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Evidence Law
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
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- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 5 past paper questions and at least 5 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Business Associations
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 3 past paper questions and at least 3 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Civil Procedure Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 3 past paper questions and at least 3 model exam answers.
Hong Kong Criminal Procedure Download Notes Preview (PDF) | Table of Contents
- Notes only (HK$680)
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$900)
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1100)
Each set of Model Exams for this subject contains at least 4 past paper questions and at least 4 model exam answers.
Package A - Two subjects
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$1580)
Over HK$200 discount!
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$1880)
Over HK$300 discount!
Package B - Four subjects
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$2980)
Over HK$600 discount!
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$3580)
Over HK$800 discount!
Package C - Six subjects
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$4280)
Over HK$1100 discount!
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$5180)
Over HK$1400 discount!
Package D - All eight subjects
Revised edition: Updated for January exam
and new National Security Law
- Notes & 1 set of Model Exams (HK$5680)
Over HK$1500 discount!
- Notes & 2 sets of Model Exams (HK$6880)
Over HK$1900 discount!