A. How to use Conversion Notes
2. Development of the Hong Kong Legal System (1842-1997)
i. Supreme Court Ordinance 1873
ii. The Application of English Law Ordinance 1966
iii. Sino-British Joint Declaration 1984
A. Law Previously in Force Article.8
B. Special position in New Territories land
C. Imperial enactments and prerogative power
D. Legislation and restriction on law making powers
ii. NPC powers to return a new enactment
iii. Ambit of law making powers
i. Relationship between the BL and Other National Laws.
ii. Additions or deletions of national laws
F. State of Emergency under Article 18(4)
G. Restrictions under Article 23
ii. ‘One country, two systems’
iii. National Security (Legislative Provisions) Bill 2003
H. NPCSC’s interpretative power
i. Decisions of the Privy Council
ii. Decisions of the House of Lords
v. Statutory Interpretation in HK
vi. Use of Extrinsic Materials
iii. Court of First Instance (Part of High Court)
iv. Court of Appeal (Part of High Court)
i. Development of its own common law
iii. Protecting the High degree of autonomy and enforcing human rights
C. Jurisdiction and its constitutional limits
i. Jurisdiction of the Region under Article 19 BL
ii. Continuity of previous restrictions
iii. NPCSC’s ultimate power of Interpretation – General Restriction
iv. How wide is the effect of the phrase “judgements previously rendered shall not be affected”?
v. Can the CFA review mainland legislation ?.
3) Clarification of Ng Ka Ling
D. Appointment and tenure of Judges
E. Judicial Independence under the Basic Law
F. Judicial Immunity and judicial accountability
ii. What is the scope of the immunity after 1 July 1997?
A. Role of the HKSAR Government and the Chief Executive
B. Role of the Legislative Council
iii. Characteristics of Legal Aid
C. Legal Aid Services Council (“The Council”)
D. Independence of Legal Aid Authority
E. Regulating the Legal Profession
8. The Common law system and the PRC legal system: A Comparative Overview
i. China’s position on self-determination
B. How the NPCSC interprets laws
C. Interpretation approach in HK – Common Law interpretation
ii. Advantages of common law approach
iii. Purposive approach and interpreting the BL
D. Conflicts in Interpretation
9. The Civil and Criminal Justice System
A. Fundamentals of civil and criminal litigation
B. Alternative Dispute Resolution
10. Interface between the two systems
C. Enforcement of Judgments and Arbitral Awards
E. Cross-Border Crimes and Jurisdiction
G. Conflicts Between The Two Systems
H. Admissibility Of Documents Issued In The Mainland
11. Introduction to Legal Research: sources and Skills
A. Law Reports and Judgments- reported and unreported judgment
B. Department of Public Prosecutions
C. Independent Commission Against Corruption